Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I'm sitting here watching the Inauguration of Barack Obama... Talking with a buddy of mine in Kenya...

He congratulated me.

I asked why?

"Congrats on Obama!" He said.

"Thanks... I suppose..." my reply.

"EVERYONE is talking about it here in Kenya! Obama is going to change the world!" He continued.

I don't think that we stop to notice that even in our crazy economy and with everything our country is going through, the WORLD is still hanging on to EVERYTHING we do!

We are blessed to live in an amazing country.

We are blessed far more than we deserve.

We need to stop being the stereotypical Americans.

If you're a Christian, and you've got a problem with Obama, please keep your thoughts to yourself. Not only do you push unbelievers away from Christ himself, but you just sound ignorant. And really, who wants to sound ignorant?

Now, please understand... I did not vote for Obama... but that's who was chosen. Hearing people (especially Christians) say that the wrong person was voted in, or that this country is going to the pits of hell, are attempting to slap God's face right off of his face.

What gall you have, to say that something that God has allowed is WRONG! Good luck with that.

Obviously God has allowed Obama to lead this GREAT nation for a reason. Suck it up and deal with it... who knows... you might even like him... :-)

So yeah, moral of the story... stop being ignorant and stupid and hateful and ugly. Okaythanksbye.


Laura said...


My hubby is a-mazing.

Gidget said...

I agree with you 100%, although I will admit that I was an Obama supporter from early on. There is more to a person than a name and a political affiliation. We as christians have a responsibility to uphold our leaders in prayer and with respect. Its like you said, who are we to question what God has allowed. Thanks for pointing out the ignorance of many who are stuck on silly things like party affiliation and names. Lets trust that God knows what he is doing. Thanks

SlimTronic5000 said...

Yeah... what she said.

Anonymous said...

You should blog more. Very insightful. Hope to see you soon - I've missed your playing and presence on Sundays. God bless.

Cindy Slevin said...

That pic is sooo funny.
Love your insights too!