Friday, October 5, 2007


...I need some.

My 'artistic life' is becoming routine. I play a lot of music, however I'm not writing much and I'm recording less! I draw up new shirts, and marketing ideas that pretty much never make it to the computer screen, or less end up printed.

What's the deal?

I'm in the most amazing, adventurous, crazy time of my life. My dog is cool. My wife is pretty awesome too. My friends are the best that you could ask for. I've got a great job working with some of the coolest people I know.

Seems that my creativity is significantly decreased when I'm on the top of world. I re-read a Secret today that I ran across the other day:

Now, I'm not saying that I'm depressed, don't hear that... however the writer makes sense to me. Seems as if I'm that artist that envokes their jealousy. It's not even so much that I'm not inspired... as there are many things in my life that strike awe and wonder within me. It's just that I can't harness the inspiration that I recieve daily.

What's a dude to do?

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